Important Personal Safety
Physically protecting yourself and your family in an ever
increasing violent society can be an added pressure to family life. Law Enforcement
Authorities no longer provide the level of protection we would like. The safety of
ourselves and our families can be greatly enhanced by being aware of simple measures that
can be taken.
Topic covered are;
non-Sexual Attacks
- Avoid localities where assaults are know to occur.
- If in such an area, keep to well-lit routes, avoid drunks and
noisy groups, adopt a low profile in terms of dress and behaviour, remain alert, walk
close to the kerb and avoid bushes or buildings.
- If threatened, run to the nearest well-lit premises, enter and
ask the owner for immediate assistance by contacting the police.
- If assaulted, and not trained to resist, scream but if the
assault continues feign unconsciousness. Adopt a foetal position on the ground, face down,
protecting the head with the arms and the soft parts of the body by tucking the legs up.
- If available use a shrill screech siren to frighten the
attacker and immediately run away.
- If trained, resist attack and call for assistance.
- Whatever the circumstances, inform the police immediately.
- Countering sexual attacks on adults- outside the home
- Avoid localities where these attacks are known to occur.
- If in such an area keep to well-lit streets, avoid drunks and
rowdy persons, adopt as low a profile in terms of dress and behaviour as possible, remain
alert, walk close to the kerb and not near bushes or buildings and if possible always have
a friend as an escort.
- If threatened, run to the nearest well-lit premises, enter and
ask the owner for immediate assistance by contacting the police.
- If escape is impossible scream/shout and continue as long as
- If, because of a threat, shouting is inappropriate, attempt to
talk the attacker out of continuing the assault.
- If trying to talk the attacker out of continuing the assault
fails, attempt to open your bowels and defecate, or...
- Bite the attacker's tongue off if the opportunity is
presented, or..
- Stab the eyes of the attacker with fingers, comb or
appropriate sharp objects, or..
- Crush the male attacker's genitals using the hand, knee or
- Inform the police immediately.
- Remember, your survival is of paramount importance. If you
consider at the time of the assault these countermeasures would reduce the likelihood of
survival under no circumstances place yourself at further risk by provoking the attacker.
Sexual Assaults on Adults
- In The Home <top>
- As far as practical, use curtains to prevent prowlers being
able to look into the premises.
- Wherever possible, keep all doors and windows locked.
- Never open the door to a stranger without using a door chain
or a restraining bolt.
- If an intruder is in the house, never attempt a confrontation
but leave the house immediately and seek help.
- If confronted by an intruder, scream/shout for a neighbour,
partner/spouse or family member even if they are absent.
- If attacked and because of threat, shouting seems
inappropriate, attempt to talk the attacker out of the assault.
- Inform the police immediately.
- Countering sexual attacks on children
- Do not leave young children home alone.
- Supervision of children should be by parents, relatives or
close friends that are well known to the parents. If used, child minders should be
registered, and baby sitters should be over 16 years old with good references and
- Alarm them, young children must be taught never to speak to
strangers, to accept any gifts, nor enter strangers' houses or cars. If such offers or
invitations are made, the child should immediately inform the parent or teacher.
- Always escort small children to and from school or arrange
with another parent in the same class to do so.
- Never let a small child enter its own home unaccompanied; if
the parents are absent, arrangements must be made for the child to be collected by
relatives or close friends.
- If the child is late, or not at its supposed destination, the
police must be informed immediately.
- Suspicions about adult behaviour in connection with children
must be reported to the police immediately.
- Teach the child to tell its parents, teachers or the nearest
policeman, of the presence and behaviour of an adult who is worrying it.
Street Robbery or Mugging
- Avoid localities where muggings are known to occur.
- If in such an area keep to well-lit streets, avoid drunks and
rowdy persons, adopt as low a profile in terms of dress and behaviour as possible, remain
alert, walk close to the kerb and not near bushes or buildings and if possible always have
a friend as an escort.
- Avoid carrying large handbags or wallets. Their obvious
presence will attract robbers.
- If threatened, run to the nearest well-lit premises, enter and
ask the owner for immediate assistance by contacting the police.
- If escape is impossible, hand over that which is demanded and
memorize as full a description of the attacker(s) as possible.
- Inform the police immediately.
Extortion and Blackmail
- When initial demand and threat is made, if the circumstances
allow, obtain the following:
- A full description of the person.
- The nature of the demand or demands.
- A few days grace in order to comply with the demand, and
face-to-face meeting to hand over valuables.
- Inform the police immediately.